Security Post author:raman.nigam Post published:March 7, 2020 Post category:Uncategorized Post comments:0 Comments Security It is the capability of a system to protect its assets and prevent from unauthorized access or modification of information or resources. Common Causes:Issue in authentication and authorizationDamage caused by malicious input such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting.Not encrypting sensitive data.Information disclosure and loss of sensitive data. Points to be considered:Latest OWASP guidelinesMulti-factor AuthenticationSingle Sign On (SSO)Principle of Least PrivilegeTransport and Message Level Security.Usage of tool to identify vulnerability in the code.Tools to monitor the issue. Security Principles: Don’t develop as adminDon’t trust any input everProtect against buffer overruns Protect against injectionsPrevent cross origin accessDon’t require super user privilegesDon’t implement security codes Limit your attack surface Execute with least privileges Please share this Continue ReadingSecurity